Chocolate Biscuit Pudding Martini

This recipe reminds me of school. I’d taken up Home Science as a subject in class 11 and 12, and I’d enjoyed it greatly. You get one hour to cook, learn stitching, or just chat around with friends… how can this not be fun? This can also be marked as a historic phase of my life when I got introduced to the wonders of cocoa powder. Although, I’m not too fond of the teacher that we had for this subject, I have to thank her for sharing this recipe! It ALWAYS comes out right. I wouldn’t want to exaggerate, but with my baking disasters and with the knowledge of this recipe, I’m set for life; in terms of getting appreciation!
The selling point of this recipe is that it is extremely simple to make and it uses only 5 ingredients. This martini is actually a fancier version of the pudding that I usually make in a glass bowl. The bowl version just serves 1, as I cannot share chocolate. Sorry! No, actually, I’m sure it serves more people when I’m not around. This time I made both the versions and I still have some of the chocolate sauce left. Just the thought of it makes me very happy.
2 Tetra Pak Amul fresh cream (200ml each)
11/2 cups granulated sugar
1 cup cocoa powder
1/2 tsp vanilla essence
2 packets Parle Hide & Seek biscuits (if you’re planning to make both the versions, you will need 3 packets)
Chocolate chips, chocolate wafer sticks, to decorate (optional)
Another reason that I love this recipe – no sifting business involved. Just whip the cream and sugar in a mixing bowl. Then, add cocoa and vanilla essence. And, you’re done! After mixing these ingredients, you should have a rich, smooth, and thick consistency.
After preparing the sauce, take some Hide & Seek biscuits (I used 6) and
put them in a small ziploc bag or even a foil bag will do, and crush them with a rolling pin. Do this with music, it’s more fun that way! For the bowl version, skip this step.
Then take pretty, photogenic wine glasses (or any glasses that you prefer) and assemble alternate layers of the biscuit crumbs and the sauce. Let it chill in the refrigerator until firm, about 3 hours. The bowl pudding should be refrigerated overnight.
Decorate with chocolate chips, or wafer sticks, or anything that you feel
creative with.
I simply utilized the leftover biscuit crumbs for garnishing and decorated with chocolate wafer sticks. And this is how you make an absolutely irresistible chocolate pudding martini.
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