Clove drink recipes
6 recipes

Homemade pumpkin spice syrup, perfect for your fall/winter drinks
Drink Very Easy 50 min 130 kcal
Ingredients: 5 oz pumpkin flesh 1 cup sugar 1.5 cup water 3 cinnamon sticks 2 cloves 1 tsp ginger powder 1,5 tsp nutmeg powder

Mulled wine - french vin chaud, spicy and comforting
Drink Very Easy 10 min 25 min
Ingredients: 750 ml red wine 1/2 cup sugar 1 cinnamon stick 3 cloves 2 badiane stars 1 pinch of nutmeg 1/2 lemon (and zests) 1 orange (and zests)

Wassail, the spicy christmas cocktail
Drink Very Easy 10 min 1 hour
Ingredients: 1 cup rum 1 bottle of cider 1 cinnamon stick 1 clove fresh ginger

Homemade grape wine without yeast
Drink Very Easy 20 min 15 min
Ingredients: Black Grapes -1kg Sugar - 1.25 kg Water - 4 liter Cloves - 20 nos.

Glugg, spiced wine for holiday greetings
Drink Very Easy 25 min 20 min
Ingredients: 2 oranges sliced 3 oz dried prunes 1 lb seedless raisins 6 cinnamon sticks 1 tablespoon whole cardamom seeds 12 -14 whole cloves 1 large can...

Five spice chai (masala tea)
Drink Very Easy 10 min 10 min
Ingredients: Milk : Half Cup Water : 1 and half Cups Cardamoms: 2 pods Black Cardamom : 1 pod Cloves: 2 pieces Peppercorns: 1 piece Tea : 1 teaspoon, Orange...