Delicate german apple cake

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Delicate German Apple Cake
6 servings
Very Easy
1 hour



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Preparation25 min
Cook time35 min
  • Grease the baking pan & preheat the oven at 180 C.
  • Melt the butter in a small pan. Peel the apples, cut into quarters, remove the cores & cut lengthwise.
  • Sieve the flour & baking powder.
  • Whisk the butter until soft & add vanilla essence, salt & lemon extract.
  • Whisk in the eggs one at a time. Mix in the flour mixture alternating with the milk. Transfer the mixture to the greased pan & smooth to make it even.
  • Arrange the apple quarters on the sponge mixture & pour the melted butter over the apples. Bake for about 45 mins or until done.
  • Rub the apricot jam through a sieve. Add little water to it & bring it the boil. Pour on the cake immediately after taking it out of the oven. Allow the cake to cool.
  • Serve with tea.


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