Vanilla cake with whipped cream and fresh fruit frosting

Vanilla cake with Whipped Cream and Fresh fruit frosting
6 servings
50 min

Today is my little brother’s Birthday.... well, don’t get carried away by the word ‘little’....he’s not all that little right now... :) he’s 25 + years old man but will always remain my baby brother for ever!! This cake that I have made today is to mark that celebration but unfortunately he is not near me to take a bite of it :( Actually we live poles apart, he is in Canada and me here in the middle east. Nevertheless, I decided to go ahead and celebrate his birthday for him. Now this cake



Vanilla Cake:

Whipped Cream Frosting:

Fruits for Filling and Garnish:

Apricot Glaze:

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Preparation20 min
Cook time30 min
  • Vanilla Cake


    Preheat oven to 180 degree C and prepare a 9 inch x 2 inch pan with parchment paper. Remember to grease the sides of pan as well.

    Sieve and mix together flour, salt and baking powder.

    Mix together the wet ingredients , i.e, oil, sugar, vanilla and eggs using a hand or stand mixer.
    Now add the flour and milk in 3 additions starting and ending with the flour. Fold this in using a spatula.

    Pour into the prepared pan and bake for 25-30 min or until a toothpick inserted in the centre of cake comes out clean.

    Cool the cake completely before frosting.
  • Whipped Cream Frosting

    First place your whipping bowl and blades in freezer for around 15 mins.
    Place whipping cream, sugar and vanilla extract in the bowl and whip till you get stiff peaks.

    If you would like your cream to be more stabilized it would be a good idea to add gelatine to your cream while whipping. For this mix 2 tsps of gelatin in 2 tablespoon of hot water and mix until dissolved.
    Pour this into your cream once soft peaks have formed and then whip on till you get stiff peaks.
  • Apricot Glaze

    Place apricot jam and water in a saucepan and heat till it liquefies.Remove from flame.
    Strain this to remove any lumps.
    Cool the mixture till its just slightly warm. Do not let this cool completely as the mixture would solidify
  • Assembly

    Place the down side of the cake up so that we can get a smooth flat surface to work on.
    Cut the cake into half horizontally.

    On the lower half of the cake place 1/2 cup whipped cream and spread out. Now top it with the chopped fruits. Spread out as evenly as possible.

    Place the second layer of cake on this. Now spread the remaining cream on the top and sides of the cake.
    Now garnish with the sliced fruits as desired.

    Finally brush the fruits with the apricot glaze using a pastry brush. This allows the fruits to remain fresh and glossy even after refrigeration.
    Refrigerate the cake for several hours or even overnight so that its sets well.
    Serve straight from the fridge.


Yes I am on a flour free diet although I can use coconut flour which Is what I did followed recipe to the tee and it was way too much flour seems like something was missing.

Hi, the flour used is of exact measure and i don't thnk anything is missing as i have followed the recipe from joyofbaking .com. but i am not sure wat would be the ratio when replaced with coconut flour... there could be a difference

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