Dhaka Fish & Biryani Halal Restaurant

Cuisine: Indian/Halal
Last visited: November 13, 09
Area: Vancouver, BC (South Vancouver)
5750 Fraser Street - Fraser & 41st Ave
Price Range: $10 or less
1: Poor 2: OK 3: Good 4: Very good 5: Excellent 6: Tres Excellent!!
Food: 4
Service: 2
Ambiance: 3.5
Overall: 3.5
Additional comments:
Specializes in fish & biryaniFamily owned and operatedFrom Bangladesh - Bangladeshi foodHalal restaurantHomestyle/Home cooked Last visited: November 13, 09
Area: Vancouver, BC (South Vancouver)
5750 Fraser Street - Fraser & 41st Ave
Price Range: $10 or less
1: Poor 2: OK 3: Good 4: Very good 5: Excellent 6: Tres Excellent!!
Food: 4
Service: 2
Ambiance: 3.5
Overall: 3.5
Additional comments:
Offers lots of fish optionsOffers chicken/lamb/beefHole-in-the wallReally affordable
Dine in/Take-outCash or debit onlyMon-Sun 11:30am-9:30pm
**Recommendation: Chicken Biryani, Lamb curry, Ruhi Fish, Naan
I was actually looking for a different restaurant at the time, but fell upon this one randomly. It's only been open for 2 months and it's not busy yet, although they already have their regulars. From the outside this is a hole in the wall restaurant, however the inside is actually quite nice! I was very surprised to see wine glasses and tea light candle lanterns on every table.
The owners are from Bangladesh and they speak very broken English. The food is very home cooked and served very home style with mismatching plates...which for this kind of place I really liked. They specialize in fish and biryani so you have to try those items when you come. I find that their dishes are slightly sweeter (with the use of cinnamon, cloves and cardamom) and not as spicy or heavy as most other Indian restaurants. Maybe it was what we ordered?
The dine-in menu is the same as the take-out menu. It's literally the white photocopied menu you would get in the mail. There's no descriptions of any of the items, so it's hard to know what to order. I ordered the owners recommendations as well as recommendations from their regulars.
On the whole this is a very low maintenance restaurant that attracts Indian people (a sign of authenticity) within the area.
On the table:
Prawn Biryani 3.5/6Basmati rice sauteed with prawns and a variety of Indian spices. Includes dahi and chutney. $10.99This is a typical Indian rice dish. It reminds me of an Indian fried rice but it has no veggies and it's not supposed to. It's not necessarily spicy, although you can request the level of spiciness you want.You're supposed to eat it with dahi (a homemade yogurt condiment) or raita (dahi with fresh herbs) or chutney. They serve it with dahi and chutney for free here.I was actually looking for a different restaurant at the time, but fell upon this one randomly. It's only been open for 2 months and it's not busy yet, although they already have their regulars. From the outside this is a hole in the wall restaurant, however the inside is actually quite nice! I was very surprised to see wine glasses and tea light candle lanterns on every table.
The owners are from Bangladesh and they speak very broken English. The food is very home cooked and served very home style with mismatching plates...which for this kind of place I really liked. They specialize in fish and biryani so you have to try those items when you come. I find that their dishes are slightly sweeter (with the use of cinnamon, cloves and cardamom) and not as spicy or heavy as most other Indian restaurants. Maybe it was what we ordered?
The dine-in menu is the same as the take-out menu. It's literally the white photocopied menu you would get in the mail. There's no descriptions of any of the items, so it's hard to know what to order. I ordered the owners recommendations as well as recommendations from their regulars.
On the whole this is a very low maintenance restaurant that attracts Indian people (a sign of authenticity) within the area.
On the table:

There's only one type of naan you can get here, and that's plain old traditional naan...and it is really really good!They don't butter it upon serving and it tastes way better than it looks. I doubt they cook it in a tandoor oven, but probably over a flat iron skillet. This is the softest naan I've had. It was almost a bit sweet too, it tasted like those Chinese pastry buns. It was very fresh and made upon order. It doesn't look soft, but it was VERY soft almost like fresh white bread from the oven. So good!$1.50 (without meal)

Chapati is a unleavened flat bread made from wheat flour. It's actually a giant round piece of dough and they serve it all folded. It's harder than the naan but still pliable as you can see with the folding. It was still soft and very fresh, made upon order.$1.25 (without meal)

This is served free and can be eaten with any of the dishes we ordered.
Again goes well with biriyani.

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