Ginisang tahong (sauteed asian green mussels)

Main Dish
4 servings
Very Easy
40 min



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French mussels


Preparation15 min
Cook time25 min
  • The cooking process is straightforward sautéing. In a large casserole or pan, heat the oil in medium flame.
  • Fry the garlic, followed by ginger. Add in the chopped tomatoes and continue frying until soft and mushy.
  • Add in mussels and continue sautéing until it renders out its own liquid and shells starts to open.
  • Continue simmering with liquid that comes out. Add some more hot water or better yet, rice washing (second wash) if you want it soupier.
  • Add ground pepper and season it with salt to taste. Mussels usually packed some salty liquid inside the shell so taste and watch out adding salt.
  • Add the petchay or any veggies of your choice and continue simmering until the vegetable is cooked through.
  • Transfer in a shallow bowl and serve hot along side with some fried fish and steamed rice.


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Nice presentation.... even a beginner could understand and get binto this

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