The perfect beef rendang curry
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A delicious spicy Malay curry from my curry blog 'How To Cook The Perfect Curry'
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- Pound all spices in a pedastal and morter, or electric mixer till becomes a paste.In a large solid pan fry the beef in oil till sealed and browned.Add paste and fry gently for about 3 minutes whilst stiring to prevent burning'Add one and a half cans of coconut milk, 1 piece of cinnamon bark about 2 inches long, 4 pieces of lemon grass bashed to crush and release flavours, 8 torn kaffir lime leaves, 1/4 cup of tamarind juice freshly made. 1 tsp of salt.Cover and simmer for two and a half hours, stirring occasinally to prevent sticking.Remove lemon grass at the end of cooking, and stir in 1 tbs of palm sugar. Taste, if too chilli, hot add more coconut milk, or if you want more gravy. For a drier curry drain sauce into another pan and reduce on high heat to desired thickness. return sauce to meat . Add chopped fresh basil and stir into sauce if desired. More oil can be added at end of cooking to give a different texture to curry. Once you have cooked curry once ingredients can be adjusted to your own taste when next cooked eg. more or less chilli, tamarind etc.
To serve with the curry make a refreshing side salad by---slicing cucumber and sprinkle with salt to draw out water, leave for 1/2 hour. Pat dry with kitchen paper in a dish add to cucumber grated fresh coconut, thinly sliced shallots, deseeded red chillies thinly chopped, squeeze on the juice of a fresh lime and add a little coconut milk and mix together.
Serve with rice of your choice, I prefer basmatti or pillau boiled.
An easy fool proof way of cooking perfect rice for those who have problems with stodgy rice, is use Tilda rice rinsed under cold water in a collander,1 tea cup of rice for two people. Place rice in a large pan filled with plenty of boiling water, add salt to taste, fast simmer till cooked about 10-15 minutes.
A bay leaf 2 cloves, a star anise, and a piece of cinnamon bark can be added to the water to add fragrance if required.
Experienced rice cookers might like coconut rice by adding coconut milk and less water.
Or cooking the rice by the absortion method with coconut milk.
Fried caralmelised oinons and peppers can be added as a side dish if required.
Enjoy and please give me your feedback.
For many more delicious curries visit my blog
How To Cook The Perfect Curry,
Photos of members who cooked this recipe
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