Winter melon soup/toong kua tong

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Winter Melon Soup/Toong Kua Tong
Main Dish
4 servings
Very Easy
55 min



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Preparation10 min
Cook time45 min
  • Put pork ribs in the pressure cooker and put in enough water to cover the ribs.
  • Bring it to the boil and conitinue to boil until all the scums rise to the surface.
  • Remove all the ribs and wash away all the scums.
  • Discard the water in the pressure cooker and wash preassure cooker really well.
  • Cut winter melon into small cubes of 1 (remove seeds and skin).
  • Put cleaned ribs back to the pressure cooker together with the rest of the ingredients except the salt.
  • Put in the water that mushrooms and dried octupus were soaked.
  • Top up with more water until it is enough to cover the ingredients.
  • Close the lid of the pressure cooker and pressurized for 30 - 45 minutes, counting from the time the pressure cooker starts hissing.
  • Turn off heat when cooking time is over and let the pressure released by itself before opening the lid.
  • Taste the soup before adding salt as tai tau choy can be very salty.


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