Marwadi ishtyle Peeth Perun Masala Bhendi

Yeah ! Read it right !!Such weird combination dish names are common when you have criss cross marriage. The original name of the Marwari recipe is BESANWALI BHINDI and the preparation is very similar to the way Maharashtrians prepare the recipe with Gramflour, hence the combo name.
Infact this recipe itself is the combination of two types of stuffed Okra preparation ; one with Masalas and other with Besan and onion. I got this recipefrom my Sanjeev Kapoorsonline cookbook.
Source : Sanjeev kapoors Besanwali Bhindi ? Marwari style.
Normally whenever I jot about the Bookmarked recipe I never give minute details, as I want and prefer that whoever reads this space should visit the original source hence giving the right credits.
So skipping details, Majorly You Need:
Okra , Onion, Besan and Masalas to stuff the Okra. I followed SK and used all the mentioned Masalas ? Turmeric Powder, Garam Masala, Cumin Powder, Dry Mango (Amchur)Powder, Fennel Seeds- crushed, Red Chili Powder and Coriander Powder.
You Do:
Mix all the masalas in BLUEalong with salt. Slit the Okras so that you can stuff the slits with the prepared masala mix. Heat up Oil in Non ? stick, Temper with Onion Seeds ? I din?t have then so I used Sesame Seeds instead. Sauté onion in oil till it caramelizes. Then add the Besan and roast it for 3-4 mins. Later add the stuffed Okra and let it cook with lid covered. If it takes more time, sprinkle some water so that steam fastens the cooking time.Stir occasionally; okra is done when it turns light brown and crispy.
This is a nice variation to the normal routine okra dish.
Thanks to the main ingredients Amchur and Saunf, this goes to following event :
Think Spice: Think Amchur eventof Bhagyashreeoriginally started by Sunitaof Think Spice. JFI: Fennelof Sirioriginally started by Indira.
Happy Cooking and Posting about it !