Light, oil-free hard-boiled egg mayonnaise! perfect when you can't eat raw eggs!

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Side dish
4 servings
Very Easy
15 min

Mayonnaise, that famous sauce we love to top our eggs-mimosa or to accompany crispy fries.... We've come up with a super gourmet, light alternative with hard-boiled eggs and Greek yoghurt. A perfect option for those who prefer to avoid raw eggs, and at the same time cut back on fat with this sauce that will go perfectly in sandwiches, or even as a sauce for your pasta or rice salads!




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Preparation5 min
Cook time10 min


How long can I keep this mayonnaise?
You'll be able to keep this mayonnaise longer than a classic raw egg mayonnaise. Place it in the refrigerator for 3 days in an airtight container or covered with cling film.

Can I replace Greek yogurt?
You can replace it with skyr.

Can I replace wine vinegar?
You can replace it with the vinegar of your choice.

How to improve mayonnaise?
You can add lemon juice and chopped chives if you like. Feel free to also add spices, other herbs, etc.




Refrigerator storage
Zero waste


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