Mini serrano, cheese and potato tatins

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6 servings
Very Easy
45 min

Let's make a winter tatin pie with cheese, ham and potatoes. You'll love this comfort food starter with some salad! Try our step by step recipe below and enjoy!



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Preparation10 min
Waiting time5 min
Cook time30 min
  • Mini serrano, cheese and potato tatins - Preparation step 1Peel and cook the potatoes in a large pot of boiling salted water or steam. They must remain firm. Cut the puff pastry into 6.
  • Mini serrano, cheese and potato tatins - Preparation step 2Add pepper to the plate and cover with a slice of ham folded in thirds.
  • Mini serrano, cheese and potato tatins - Preparation step 3Place a slice of cheese on top.
  • Mini serrano, cheese and potato tatins - Preparation step 4Cut the potatoes into slices and place some on top.
  • Mini serrano, cheese and potato tatins - Preparation step 5Cut a slice of cheese into 4 and place a piece on the potatoes. Cover with a piece of puff pastry and prick the top with a fork.
  • Mini serrano, cheese and potato tatins - Preparation step 6Bake for 30 minutes at 350°F (180°C). Let cool for about 5 minutes before turning them over.
  • Mini serrano, cheese and potato tatins - Preparation step 7And there you have it, the raclette tatins are ready!


Can I replace Serrano ham?
You can replace the serrano ham with coppa for example! This recipe is perfect for reusing leftovers.

What cheeses can be used?
You can use mozzarella for example. Cheese lovers will love these tatins with Morbier, Saint Nectaire or Reblochon.

Can we make this recipe in a vegetarian version?
Yes you can, you just need to remove the ham or use vegan “charcuterie”.

Can we replace puff pastry?
You can use shortcrust pastry instead of puff pastry without any worries.

Can we make this recipe in a gluten-free version?
You can replace the puff pastry with gluten-free puff pastry.

Can we replace potatoes?
You can replace the potatoes with sweet potatoes for example.

How to store these mini tatins?
You can keep them in the fridge for 3 days in an airtight container. Preferably reheat them in the oven.

Can we make this recipe in a maxi version?
You don't have to make mini tatins, this recipe can be made in a maxi version using rectangular or round puff pastry. You will need more ingredients though.




Refrigerator storage
Zero waste


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