Danyacha Kut - Roasted peanut powder
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Peanut is main ingredient in Maharashtrian food. The most common way to use peanut is in coarse powder which is called 'Danyacha kut' in Marathi. It is used in Koshimbirs, stuffed curry and mainly for fasting food like sabudana khichadi, danyachi amti. My Aai uses it for each and every vegetable she makes daily. Now a days making this powder is very easy but when ladies was not having food processors, mixers, it was very tedious job. I am sure most of you must be surprised, why she is putting such a basic thing. But most of viewer doesn't know about it. If you see posts of Khaugiri, most of recipes having danyacha kut in ingredients.
You can take peanuts and roast them in kadai on low flame. Roast it stirring continuously till it becomes slightly brown. If you have microwave at home you can place peanuts in microwave safe plate and keep on high for 4 minutes. Now let it get cool. When cooled, the peanuts were rubbed between palms to remove the skin, and then the skin could be separated from the peanuts and discarded. If you have food processor, you can once put it in with butter blade. All the skin will get separated from peanuts. Discard it. Now put white peanuts in a mixer and grind to a coarse powder as shown in picture. Danyacha Kut is ready to use.
This is my entry for Pavani's JFI - August ?09: Peanuts and to Indira's Mahanandi
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