Left over egg white cake
Estimated cost: 25.29Euros€ (3.16€/serving)
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Preparation7 min
Cook time35 min
- Very simple indeed, soften the margarine and mix with the sugar until a creamy pale paste, add to this the flour premixed with the baking powder, then add the juice and zest of the orange. Once this is done beat the eggs whites until they peak and add to the previous mixture with a folding action. Rub some margarine is a cake pan and dust it with flour adding covering the bottom with grease proof paper, the cake containing egg whites will stick a lot.
Bake it in a medium oven for 35 minutes (gas mark 180 c) and that's this simple is done.
I didn't do this but I think it could be really nice to warm up the juice of an orange with a measure of Cointreau, stabbing the cake all over with a fork and letting the Cointreau sauce soak into it. yum yum!! (but of course is just an idea)
But anyway now you can save all your egg whites with no fear of high cholesterol giving cake :)
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Looks plain, but is like a white canvass ready for decorating. however the idea is great, how many times you are left with loads of egg whites ...well here's what to do.