I found butter that does not say it is pasteurized! Oh, rats? it really is.

I am in constant search of butter that is unpasteurized. Why the obession? Because somewhere tucked away in the back crevices of my cranium a quiet voice is saying, ?Eat as naturally as possible. Buy eggs from a farm. Get pure butter from a cow. Eat less potato chips.?
So I look and I look and I look some more.
Walmart doesn?t carry it. Ozark Natural Foods? Not there. Cooks Natural Foods? Nope. Harps? Ditto.
And then? there it was? Allen?s Market in Bella Vista has it!
An 8oz block LURPAK® Imported Butter, slightly salted, for $3.29.
Ingredients: Cream, culture, salt.
But wait.
I visited LURPAK?s website and it tells me that it IS pasteurized. ?The cream used to make LURPAK butter is pasteurized. In this process the cream is heated to 95-105 degrees for approximately 15 seconds. This is done to ensure the destruction of undesirable microorganisms in the cream.?
However, after reviewing the history of the LURPAK brand, I still am impressed. Their quality control system dates back to early 1900s to maintain its consistent quality. Each week samples are strictly analyzed and tested, ensuring a consistently high quality LURPAK product.
So, unless I purchase a cow and raise her strictly in an organic environment, this will have to do. The FDA frowns heavily on unpasteurized milk products anyway.
What about you? Have you discovered a local source for unpasteurized butter? Do you think the benefits outweigh the risks? Or, do you think I need to just get over it? Stick with regular ole? butter in a stick?