Baked pork ribs with pineapple (gradook mou op sapparod)

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Baked Pork Ribs with Pineapple (Gradook Mou Op Sapparod)
Main Dish
3 servings
Very Easy
50 min



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Preparation15 min
Cook time35 min
  • Heat oil in a wok. Wait until hot then add pork spare ribs, fry until nearly cooke. Remove from heat and drain.
  • Heat water in a big pot over medium heat, wait until boiling then add fried pork spare ribs.
  • Add Pineapple and the rest ingredients, and turn down to low heat.
  • Simmer for 30-40 minutes until the spare ribs are tender.
  • Remove from heat. Transfer to the serving plate.
  • Garnish on top with spring onion.
  • Serve immediately with hot steamed rice.


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