Mango Sponge Cake

Mango Sponge Cake

mango sponge cake
Mango season in Australia is starting to be over pretty soon! The first time mangoes came out here was last year in November which cost around $4 each! Then the next month it depreciated to about 3 mangoes for $5 (depending where you buy it from). As for me I do not have to buy any mangoes because my mum has a big mango tree in her backyard. I usually eat 3 everyday til I got sick of it! She would give it around to her close friends and family. Since I moved out of home this year mum has given me about 6 boxes already...enough to fill the whole fridge! I am getting so sick of eating it now. I have a lot of ideas of what to make them with (like smoothies, salads and desserts) but like I said I don't really want to eat another mango until the end of the year lol.

mangoeshalf the fridge full of mangoes
Since I had nothing else productive to do today I made this plain mango sponge cake. I just added toasted almonds, granulated peanuts and fresh whipped cream. It was pretty good but still kind of sick of the mango flavour lol. Once again, I used the basic sponge cake recipe from CHOW TIMES and just decorated the cake from there with my own ingredients.

Out from the fridge.

Yeah not enough whipped cream but hey it was enough! :)

Now I am thinking what to do with all those mangoes! I know it looks green but it's all ripe!

Have a nice day!
(edit update): thanks to 3 hungry tummies for mentioning the Mango glut here in Qld. A lot of people here are binning their mangoes because its just tooo much to eat lol. The Brisbane city council are refusing to bin it cause the bins overloaded with is just too heavy and over the council limit! If you want to read the whole story it here.

I I So Hungry


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