Methods To Fry Chinese Glutinous Rice Cake (??) - Wrapped In Spring Roll Skin
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My mum will make her own nian gao every CNY and its only during this time of the year my kids get to eat it as I never like those ready made ones that are sold in the supermarket. I strongly believed those contains lots and lots of other unhealthy ingredients like preservatives, colouring and so on, which I wouldn't want my kids to consume. Of course I meant those they made for prayers. Plus for the homemade nian gao by mum is only made once a year. I always patronized the stall that sells this special fried nian gao at the Jalan Pengkai stall behind the bus station at BP, my hometown.

This is the one that were sold at the stall.
I have tried many methods to prepare this sweet dish. This is one of the no mess frying but more work mehtod. Simply prepare some mashed steam yam & sweet potatoes for the filling. Wrap around the nian gao (I cut mine into small rectangles) and then wrap again with the spring roll skin. Use some beaten egg or flour starch to seal the skin. Prepare as many as u want and fry till golden brown. Remember to fry with lower flames so that the nian gao don't melt too fast & drip out from the skin.
A special request from an old friend asking for the recipe to be translated to Chinese. Oh, well, I might just put in some time doing it now. Honestly, writing using the chinese hanyu pin yin is really a much harder & slower job for me but i will just give it a try.
???? ?????/???? ?To be continued...)
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