Siopao (Steamed Pork Buns)

I recently made siopao(steamed pork buns), my 2nd time to make them from scratch. I didn’t even realize it’s been well over a year since the first time I tried my hand at siopao making. So how did my 2nd attempt go? I’d say better than the first but still not the perfect siopao I was hoping for.
The buns could have used more of the pork filling. But at least, they were sauced quite nicely so you get the barbecued pork taste in ever bite (sans the pork! :D). I’ll make sure to double the amount of filling next time. I’m happy that they were sealed nicely in spite the fact that they still had sunken tops, like the ones from last year.
Here are some more photos from my 2nd attempt at siopao making:
I made a total of 16 pieces of sioapo. Here they were, half of them, ready to go on the steamer.
I didn’t want to cram too many pieces in one level of the steamer. I had to do the steaming in two batches of 8, with 4 pieces of siopao per level of the steamer.
Hopefully, the third time’s going to be a charm and my siopaos will no longer look like a baby’s bottom. Hee hee. :D
The first time I made siopao, we only had 5 left out of the 16 for freezing. That time, we somehow managed to devour 11 pieces, which hubby, my Mom, my little girl and I enjoyed to the max. I was so guilty I wanted to buy phentermine diet pills right away! Not!!!
I steamed these siopaos after dinner, when my little girl was already asleep. I allowed hubby and myself one sioapo for taste testing. The rest went to the freezer. We still have a few in stock.
I saw some boxed steamed buns in the open freezer section of Costco last weekend. I was hopeful for a few seconds. But when I read the ingredients, my heart sank when I saw that it had MSG. Oh well. I guess I’ll have to keep making siopao then.
You can find the recipe HERE.
Mabuhay, y’all!