Marinated lobster tail

Marinated Lobster Tail
8 servings
1 h 45 m

Now we go a bit more Gourmet, just has to be from time to time, doing something where one stands for hours in the kitchen, puts all the love in a dish....that is eaten in 5 minutes, maybe 10 if one is lucky. But that is part of cooking, the creation of something beautiful and tasty, never mind how much labor went in, how much heart and love went in, when the dish is finish, one just has to love it.



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Preparation1 hour
Cook time45 min
  • Chop tomatoes, put in a pot with basil, thyme champgne and eggwhite Blend everything, then bring slowly to boil, season Strain through a mousseline cloth
  • Take 300 ml of the clear juice Melt the soaked gelatine in it, add lemonjuice gin and champagne vinegar
  • Cool down and fold in whipped cream Pour in a flat bowl and cool in the fridge Take some tomato juice, season and thicken with gelatine, pour over the mousse to give it a red edge
  • Cut vegetables in a very fine and regular brunoise Blanch them and cool down immediately Take only the lobster tail, put in boiling court bouillon boil up onece, simmer for 5 minutes, take off the stove and cool down in the stock
  • Peel the lobster tail, only leaving the tail bit on Marinate with salt, pepper, olive oil and brunoise Plating Take the cold tomato jelly
  • Plate the mousse on it and top with tomato concasse Plate the lobster tail next to it Garnish with fresh herbs


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Rate this recipe:

Frank Mosher, 23/09/2020

It looked like a great recipe, but the directions are poorly written to the extent that I won't try to make it. Be assured however, you offer many great recipes.

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Great recipe...

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