Thieve's spicy salad (yam khamoi)

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Thieve's Spicy Salad (Yam Khamoi)
4 servings
Very Easy
15 min

A very tasty salad with these ingredients and one has the feeling of a fresh palate with mint leaves.



For dressing :

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  • Pound the chillies, garlic, coriander root and pepper corns until well ground add the sugar, fish sauce, vinegar and lime juice and stir to mix. Taste and adjust as required.
  • Wash the lettuce and cut into short pieces. Wash and peel the cucumber and slice diagonally.
  • Place the pork, prawn, lettuce, cucumber, onion and coriander and mint leaves together in a bowl and add the dressing and toss gently.
  • Transfer to a plate, garnish with slices of egg and spur chilli and serve.


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