Cherry Beans Coffee and French Toast

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. I’m kind of drained from all the house hunting my hubby and I have been doing during the weekends. Back pains, headaches, sore feet, driving here, driving there. Bleh! Very stressful and indeed, very tiring. Really looking forward to a weekend when we can just put our feet up and relax. Ah, I wonder when that would be?
While house hunting these past few weeks, my hubby and I have been enjoying brunch at Cherry Beans Coffee and for 2 weeks in a row now, I’ve been chowing down on french toast. That’s right – bread dipped in eggs and milk batter and then fried. Yummy! Just thinking about it makes my mouth water.
Now I’m usually a bacon and eggs roll for breakfast kinda girl, but I recently discovered my love for french toast.
Latte for the hubby and of course, cappuccino for me.
French Toast with Bacon – $12.50 (Cherry Beans Coffee -Ashfield – Shop 60a, 260a Liverpool Rd. Ashfield Mall). Also with berries and maple syrup (hah! who can’t resist!).
I loved this french toast so much, and although I’ve never made french toast before, I just had to try to replicate it at home.
French Toast (for 6 thick slices of bread) – recipe adapted from
4 eggs
1 cup of milk (or cream)
2 Tbsp of sugar
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
6 slices of bread
butter for frying
Beat eggs in a shallow bowl then add milk, sugar and cinnamon. Whisk all ingredients well. Melt butter on a pan that is medium to high heat.
Take a slice of bread and dip both sides into the batter then fry on the hot pan. Cook until each side is golden brown and crisp.
Repeat above steps to finish off the other slices of bread. Serve with maple syrup and a dusting of icing sugar.
French toast sans maple syrup. Still good though with icing sugar! Mmmm
Next time I make this, I will definitely add maple syrup. Oh and bacon of course!