Cupcake recipes - page 7

167 recipes
Recipe Panda Cupcakes

Panda Cupcakes

I made these panda cupcakes for a friend's Chinese New Year Party. They were fairly easy to make compared to the penguin and duck cupcakes. I made a plain vanilla sponge and vanilla buttercream frosting but might try a cookies and cream cupcake next
Recipe The Hummingbird Bakery's Lemon Meringue Cupcakes

The Hummingbird Bakery's Lemon Meringue Cupcakes

I know, I know- The Hummingbird Bakery again ? Well, you see, I have this terrible habit of getting stuck on certain cookbooks. I tab all of the recipes that I'd like to bake and then proceed to bake, using the sliding scale of my excitement to guide me.
Recipe Purple Sweet Potato Chiffon Cupcakes

Purple Sweet Potato Chiffon Cupcakes

Fresh from the recent success of baking the chiffon cake recipe, I got a little ambitious and started experimenting with several different flavors for this cake. I was pleased with all the outcome, as the flavoring and texture of the cakes were surprising
Recipe Cool Mint Oreo Brownie Cupcakes

Cool Mint Oreo Brownie Cupcakes

I made these cupcakes for St. Patrick's Day yesterday. I also made a whole meal with green food. We had cabbage rolls , pasta with pesto sauce, salad with green veggies and green ranch dressing, green fruit salad, and a green drink. It's so fun to be
Recipe Cookies and Cream Ice Cream Becomes Cupcakes!

Cookies and Cream Ice Cream Becomes Cupcakes!

If you are a fan of Cookies and Cream Ice Cream you know that taking the two best ingredients, cookies and cream, and using them to create a cupcake is going to be fabulous. With the first taste, I was ready to sing from the highest that "W
Recipe Classic Shrikhand and Eggless Red Velvet Cupcakes

Classic Shrikhand and Eggless Red Velvet Cupcakes

In case you hadn?t noticed, I have been MIA for a week ? but thankfully, I have a great excuse. If you follow me on Facebook you?ll know that I?ve been spending most of time baking for a lovely little party I attended last weekend. On the entirely eggle
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Recipe Cookies and Cream Cupcakes, Hershey's Chocolate Cake and THE BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!

Cookies and Cream Cupcakes, Hershey's Chocolate Cake and THE BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!

My daughter's 9th birthday party last Saturday was a true success! She just won't stop saying "Thanks for the party Mom" so I guess she really had so much fun! Just like what I've said last Friday, the party was just a simple one...but I made sure
Recipe Banana Pudding Cupcakes

Banana Pudding Cupcakes

Oh my goodness, words cannot describe how amazing these cupcakes are. I must give credit where credit is due and thank Monique from Yes, Divas Can Cook for this amazing recipe. You know it's bad for you when you have to take a moment of silence to tha
Recipe Cookies and Cream Cupcakes, Hershey's Chocolate Cake and THE BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!

Cookies and Cream Cupcakes, Hershey's Chocolate Cake and THE BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!

My daughter's 9th birthday party last Saturday was a true success! She just won't stop saying "Thanks for the party Mom" so I guess she really had so much fun! Just like what I've said last Friday, the party was just a simple one...but I made sure
Recipe Cupcakes + Cookies = Flower Pots

Cupcakes + Cookies = Flower Pots

Although Spring does not officially start until this Sunday, here in Mobile we are already enjoying sunny days, temps in the 70s and flowers in bloom all over town! So to welcome this amazing Spring weather, how about some flower pot cupcakes and cookies!
Recipe Vanilla Buttermilk Cupcakes with a Framboise Glaze

Vanilla Buttermilk Cupcakes with a Framboise Glaze

I wanted to make something really special for Todd and some of our friends to help celebrate Valentines Day. I thought about chocolates, but then I decided that I would make some delicious cupcakes instead. I was probably more than influenced by thi
Recipe Mini Pomegranate Coconut Cupcakes with Pomegranate Frosting

Mini Pomegranate Coconut Cupcakes with Pomegranate Frosting

Hi folks. I know it has been pretty quiet around here when it comes to posting. I have been a little sick since last Wednesday adn really trying to get over it. I have not gotten sick over a year so I was suprised when this lower respiratory mess came upo
Recipe Coconut and raspberry cupcakes decorated with coconut macaroons

Coconut and raspberry cupcakes decorated with coconut macaroons

If you spend as many hours a day pondering cake as I do most thoughts are of the ?I could really eat a slice of sponge right now? variety. Some however, are slightly more creative, take root and won?t allow themselves to be forgotten. This recipe is suc
Recipe {Easy Entertaining} Decorating Holiday Cupcakes

{Easy Entertaining} Decorating Holiday Cupcakes

After styling the food tables for my friend's baby shower and my husband's birthday , I've been eager to design a holiday dessert table for my parents. This year, I decided to go with a red and white theme (maybe because my parents live in Canada). An
Recipe Holiday baking: meringues, divinity, Buche de Noel and gingerbread cupcakes

Holiday baking: meringues, divinity, Buche de Noel and gingerbread cupcakes

I have inherited Christmas decorations. Honestly, I'm not sure where some of them came from. I've got lots of gaudy plastic garlands, plenty of lights, red velvet bows, a gazillion ornaments and countless other things. Our front closet is filled with mult
Recipe Smarties and my comeback to cupcakes!

Smarties and my comeback to cupcakes!

So the cupcake abstaining didn't last for long. It was Byron's Dads 50th on Friday and that called for cupcakes. It wasn't the best of timing seen as how we were in the middle of packing up our whole house getting ready to leave for our Caribbean advent
Recipe Red Bull Cupcakes

Red Bull Cupcakes

Even seen a bakery with Red Bull cupcakes? No? You know why? Because they taste TERRIBLE. I blame Heston Blumenthal. After one episode of Heston s Feast (Roman episode) I was inspired to wildly experiment in the kitchen. Merging his pop-rocks which
Recipe Boston Cream Pie Cupcakes

Boston Cream Pie Cupcakes

I had so much fun making these Boston Cream Pie Cupcakes. The recipe is from the cookbook Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World , so I can t post it here sorry! I was so excited when I won this cookbook from Nicole @ Another One Bites the Crust , and I kne
Recipe Heirloom Sugee (Semolina) Cake

Heirloom Sugee (Semolina) Cake

First it was Tiger Wood. In our backyard, we've got Jerk Jack Neo. These scandals had got me wondering secrets that people keep. Haha, lucky for my friends, I am only interested in their kitchen secrets. That day, I was chatting with to my mal
Recipe Almond Cake with Boysenberry Jam from Bon Appetit RSVP

Almond Cake with Boysenberry Jam from Bon Appetit RSVP

This almond cake is like a pound cake with the added bonus of having a heavenly almond flavor. The reader who requested the recipe from Bon Appetit magazine commented that she could not get enough of it. I get that, it s just a great cake and the jam fill
Recipe Jane Asher Creations - Milky bar & Rolo chocolate Brownie Mix

Jane Asher Creations - Milky bar & Rolo chocolate Brownie Mix

Another trick to bake brownies and cupcakes in no time for those of you who's always on run and need a last minute preparation...Or for those lovely romantic men out there who wants to suprise or just pamper their loved ones or just bake it for themselves
Recipe Saturday's Cake - Apple Crumble & Custard Muffins

Saturday's Cake - Apple Crumble & Custard Muffins

Most (but not all) Saturdays I make some sort of cake or treat to take into work. The shop is only open for a couple of hours on a Saturday and many customers that come have traveled a long way. It's nice to be able to offer a nice fresh cup of coffee and
Recipe Heavenly Bakers: Pumpkin Cake

Heavenly Bakers: Pumpkin Cake

I am very excited to announce that I have joined the baking group Heavenly Cake Bakers . We are going to be baking through Rose Levy Beranbaum's new book Rose's Heavenly Cakes. As an avid baker I knew that there was a serious gap in my baking library sin