French yogurt cake - video recipe !
Have a try at this moist and sweet cake, of which the main ingredient is yogurt ! The yogurt pot becomes a measuring cup, which makes this recipe so simple than you can make it with kids. It's called french, because it was created in France after World War II, when people were eating more yogurt than ever ! This recipe can easily be improved, by adding pieces of fruits, rum, or chocolate chips. You can also replace the oil by butter for a different taste.
Put the yogurt in a bowl, then add the sugar and mix.
Add flour, salt and baking powder, then mix. Then add the oil and mix again.
Add the eggs and mix well. Finally, add the vanilla sugar.
Bake 40 minutes at 360°F (180°C). There you are, your yogurt cake is ready !
What means 1 Pot of yogurt: 100grams, 1,000 grams ???? What. Means 2 pots of sugar: 50 grams , 500 grams ??? It is a poor information for customers that we are interested in your very good recipes. I hope I will receive some information from you.
Hey !
1 pot of yogurt is equal to 125 grams.
For this recipe, to make it "easier" and have the good proportions, you have to re use your pot of yogurt and put the ingredients into it to mesure.
So, if you have a pot of yogurt equal to 100 grams, the other ingredients will be proportionate and no matter the size of your pot, the ingredients will always match ;-)
Hi, i am vegetarien can i substituts eggs with something or remove it completely?
Hi !
If you want to make a yogurt cake without eggs, make this :
3 yogurts
3 flour pots
2 sugar pots
1/2 oil pot
10 gr baking powder
2 tsp vanilla sugar
1 Tbsp lemon juice
Yes, you can. Just add 2 more yogurt pots and 1 tsp of baking powder ! Tell us how it went !