Okra curry ( bendekai saaru/vendekai kulumbu)

Okra curry ( Bendekai saaru/Vendekai kulumbu)
Main Dish
2 servings
Very Easy
45 min



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Preparation25 min
Cook time20 min
  • Wash okra, wipe it dry using a kitchen towel and cut into 1 inch piece and keep it aside.
  • Grind all the "to grind "ingredients into a smooth paste, add enough water to make it of pouring consistency and keep aside.
  • In a wok, heat oil, add fenugreek seeds, finely chopped onions and stir fry till onions turn golden brown. Now add the okra along with tumeric powder, and give a good stir.
  • Fry till its half cooked, now add the chilly powder and give it a stir. Add the ground masala along with roasted coriander powder, salt for taste and thick tamarind extract.
  • Cover and cook till its done. Serve hot with rice or roti.


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