Pumpkin and sausage meat pasta

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Main Dish
2 servings
Very Easy
35 min

We offer you a new topping idea for your pasta! And believe us, you too will fall for this slightly sweet combination thanks to the addition of pumpkin. It will also be an opportunity to cook this squash in another way than velouté or simply roasted ;-)



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Preparation10 min
Cook time25 min


How long can I keep pumpkin and sausage pasta?
You can place them in an airtight container and store them in the refrigerator for 2 days.

How do I reheat my leftover pasta?
Place your pasta in a frying pan or saucepan over medium heat with a little water and reheat while stirring.

What should you replace sausage meat with?
For the perfect flavor combination, you can combine pumpkin with bacon or shrimp.

What shape of pasta is recommended for this recipe?
We recommend short pastas such as rigatoni, mezze maniche, paccheri, tortiglioni or fusilloni.

How to make this dish even creamier?
Don’t hesitate to add a spoonful of heavy cream for an even softer result.

What should I do with the pumpkin I have left (if the piece I bought was larger than I needed)?
Nothing better than a good, creamy velouté to warm your taste buds. Easy to make, we recommend our recipe by clicking here.




Refrigerator storage


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