Mousse recipes - page 3

63 recipes
Recipe Mango mirror cake

Mango mirror cake

Dessert Very Easy 20 min 25 min
Ingredients: 150 g Mango puree 13 g Gelatin powder 30 g Water 40 g Sugar 1 tsp Mango flavor 220 g Fresh whipped cream 4 Large Cold eggs 250 g Optima flour 50 g...
Recipe Strawberry verrine

Strawberry verrine

Dessert Very Easy 25 min 20 min
Ingredients: 1/2 tablespoon gelatin 2 tablespoons water 1 cup strawberries, chopped small 2 tablespoons castor sugar 3/4 cup whipping cream 1/2 teaspoon...
Recipe Basler läckerli mousse with raspberry coulis

Basler läckerli mousse with raspberry coulis

Dessert Easy 45 min 15 min
Ingredients: Läckerli Mousse: 200 g sour cream 200 ml whipping cream 75g Basler Läckerli biscuits 3 tbsp sugar Raspberry coulis: 200 g fresh or frozen...

Gem squash mousse (skorsiemoes)

Dessert Very Easy 25 min 405 kcal
Ingredients: 5 gem squash 1 tablespoon butter or margarine ½ cup sugar 5 tablespoons cake flour 2 teaspoons baking powder ½ teaspoon salt 1 cup milk 3 eggs 1...
Recipe Mango Mousse Cake

Mango Mousse Cake

Ok, so I have been carried away lately with fondant cakes, but I'm back to my, sort of, comfort zone. I was, at first, thinking of making some kind of chocolate banana mousse concoction dessert; however, as I was about to purchase the bananas I saw a glow
Recipe Tort cu mousse de ciocolata si capsuni

Tort cu mousse de ciocolata si capsuni

Desi am zis ca inca nu fac dulciuri cu capsuni pentru ca nu sunt prea aromate, am zis hai sa incerc poate gasesc niste capsuni bune si fac tortul minune. Ca si in filme :)), totul a pornit de la o fotografie de pe net a unei felii de tort cu zmeura.Mi-a
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Recipe Chocolate Mousse Cake

Chocolate Mousse Cake

I was craving for the chocolate mousse cake from Red Ribbon, a bakery in the Philippines. Since there's no Red Ribbon here, I decided to try and make one myself - another baking challenge for me. I found one recipe from Annie's Eats , called a Triple
Recipe Mango Mousse Cake

Mango Mousse Cake

Is it mango season? At S$1 a piece, I couldn't resist. I bought two to try. Yes, just two. Now I wish I'd bought more... One went to Mom, so I only had one left to for a Mango Mousse Cake I've been wanting to try. Chiffon Cake Ma
Recipe Honeydew Mousse Cake

Honeydew Mousse Cake

As promised to some of my readers, here is the recipe of my Honeydew Mousse Cake . Sorry for the long delay in posting. This mousse cake is very light and refreshing absolutely perfect hot weather. Honeydew melons are sweetest of the melons. They are
Recipe Nolen Gurer Eggless Mousse

Nolen Gurer Eggless Mousse

The season of Indulgence is here. It is the perfect time of the year to dig into recipe books and bring out those spicy and sweet treats. For me there is always a reason to experiment with something sweet! During Diwali, a reader asked me to suggest
Recipe White Chocolate Mousse with Passion Fruit

White Chocolate Mousse with Passion Fruit

Hope you all had a great Easter ! Here we also had a great time?. I made this White chocolate mousse with passion fruit from Technicolor Kitchen as our Easter dessert. You must be well aware of my love affair with passion fruit by now J I
Recipe ? White Chocolate Mousse ?

? White Chocolate Mousse ?

W hen I saw this White Chocolate Mousse at , I knew we would love it. I served these in small wine glasses with Pomegranate sauce. We loved every spoon of these decadent thick rich and creamy white chocolate mousse. Do try it, I am sure kid
Recipe Tarta mousse de piña y el blog de mi Ché...

Tarta mousse de piña y el blog de mi Ché...

Bueno!!! Ya estoy por aquí otra vez!! Como ya os he dicho otras veces, pa lo mío no hay remedio... ¿Pensabais que había pasado el día de la Madre, que además coincide con el cumple de mi suegri, y yo no había hecho tarta? Aichhhhh qué poquito me conoceis
Recipe 3 tiered chocolate cake with chocolate mousse filling and buttercream frosting.

3 tiered chocolate cake with chocolate mousse filling and buttercream frosting.

This is the cake that I made for a special friend. His girlfriend's parents were celebrating their 30th wedding anniversary ! I was so happy when he asked me to make this cake. My first 3 tiered cake...for a big event! I even found th
Recipe Mousse de ciocolata

Mousse de ciocolata

Ingrediente pt. 4 portii * 150 g ciocolata cu 70% cacao; * 1 lingura unt nesarat; * 3 oua; * 250 ml frisca; * 1-2 linguri cafea ( optional). Mod de preparare: Se bate frisca si se da la frigider. Intr-un vas, la bain-marie, se pun cio