Technique: salt cured egg yolk

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1 servings
Very Easy
15 min
274 Kcal


Estimated cost: 0.38 (0.38€/serving)

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Preparation10 min
Cook time5 min
  • Combine all three ingredients, set over a water bath and whisk like any other Swiss meringue, then remove from the heat and whisk until stiff.
  • Line a muffin pan with some of the salty meringue and gently, very gently lay a yolk inside the pillowy next.
  • You can use any old egg, but goose eggs are good for this one. The fresher, the darker, the better.
  • Cover the yolks with the remaining meringue and set in the fridge for 12-18 hours. Repeat this process one more time.
  • After this cycle, remove the yolks from their nests. They should be relatively firm, but a bit tacky to the touch.
  • Put the yolks in your fridge overnight, uncovered so they can dry out a bit.
  • Then grate over your dish as you might bottarga or any other salty condiment.


for 1 serving / for 100 g
Calories: 274Kcal
  • Carbo: 38.4g
  • Total fat: 8.8g
  • Saturated fat: 2.3g
  • Proteins: 10.5g
  • Fibers: 0g
  • Sugar: 38.2g
  • ProPoints: 7
  • SmartPoints: 13
Nutritional information for 1 serving (210g)
Gluten free


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