Homemade stracciatella, easy, cheap and quick recipe for burrata cream

Side dish
20 servings
Very Easy
5 min

Who has never dreamed of adding a creamy burrata to their salad recipe? It must be said that this food sublimate any recipe. But let us also admit that the price often makes us hesitate... And much more now since we propose you to make your own burrata! A simple and effective recipe that will only require two ingredients!


Estimated cost: 4 (0.2€/serving)


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Can I replace the 30% fat liquid cream with light cream?
Yes, you can, the burrata will be lighter in fat.

Can burrata be flavored?
You can add spices, herbs like basil for example, or truffle breaks for maximum flavors!

Can I replace the liquid cream with vegetable cream?
Yes it is possible, it will aromatize your burrata: do not hesitate to put for example coconut cream if you want to use the burrata as topping on a recipe of roasted pumpkin, they will fit perfectly!


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Good recipe. I add some kosher salt and chill it for an hour or so to pull it all together. If I’m super picky I might say pull the cheese apart rather than mash - you get nice long strands of straciatella.

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