Sinigang sa Buko (Fish Stewed in Tamarind and Tender Coconut)

The idea is pretty rational too considering the popularity of ?sinigang? and the abundance of coconut tree throughout the whole Philippine archipelago. It pretty satisfies the conditions that would make the seemingly special dish actually a practical alternative still falling within the range of the average (a.k.a. tight) budget of most Filipino family.
This type of ?sinigang? was first mentioned to me by a friend who visited Mayon Volcano in the Bicol region where he learned and has actually tried the dish. Apparently, there is a restaurant in the region who wittingly concocted this ?sinigang sa buko? recipe (a variation) which eventually gained wide acceptance among its guests and soon became the restaurant?s signature dish. In reality, there is no secret to the recipe, just plain ingenious concept that works. Its major difference from a typical ?sinigang? lies only on the usage of tender coconut?s sweet and refreshing water as well as its spongy and milky flesh. That?s all. It?s simple but brilliant.
The restaurant usually uses slices of tasty blue marlin for the dish. But of course, wahoo or seer fish (?tanigue?), trevally (?talakitok?), yellow fin tuna and other fish varieties and even pork or beef are also options. For this preparation however, I intend to use slices of the predatory coral fish called grouper or ?lapu-lapu?. No, I?m not trying to cheat here. I would admit that with grouper, my ?sinigang? is probably one notch more delicious already but what can I do, in this part of the world (in our area at least), ?lapu-lapu? is the much cheaper fish and easier to come by. Seriously! Its price is almost the same as the short mackerel or ?alumahan?. :-)
Although it is not a fierce fighter by angling or sports fishing standard, the delight it provides during meal is enough for me to smile whenever I hook and land one either from shore casting or bottom fishing. What it lacks in power to fully sustain an adrenaline pumping fight (in fishing), it makes up in taste in the dining table. :)
For some reasons however, Sri Lankans are not so fond of coral reef fishes particularly those with bright colors which include groupers. In fact, we noticed that they prefer the silver (or white) and black colored fishes making the likes of grouper, snapper, emperor, breams, mullets, etc. less expensive. :-) Hence, here, we Filipinos can cook ?lapu-lapu? as often as we want; even as simply ?paksiw? or ?pangat? or fried or ?steamed? and not really rip a pocket.
To prepare the dish, about 600 grams cleaned black grouper would be enough. These slices of fish are a combination of 2 slices from a huge grouper which we recently purchased and 1 medium-sized grouper I caught last weekend while shore fishing.
Reel and Grill
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Good day ma'am, i am currently writing my research study for the innovation of sinigang. It is a combination of two variety and putting it into one dish of sinigang. It is grilled pork sinigang and sinigang sa buko. I want to know who wrote this article so i can do citation on it. Please allow me to know to support my study and to prove that mixing buko in sinigang can make in to a new level.