Homemade cream cheese (philadelphia style) with 2 ingredients
Craving some cream cheese toast or need Philadelphia for a recipe but don't have any, and instead have leftover yogurts? You only need a cheesecloth or cloth to filter the whey from the yogurt, and you're good to go! It tastes exactly like the cheese you buy and has the same texture! Try it yourself and let us know!
- large bowl
- sieve or strainer
- cheesecloth
- rubber band, string, or clip
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In a bowl, mix the yogurts and salt well.
Place a sieve inside a large bowl, ensuring there is enough space between them for the whey to drain.
Place a cheesecloth over the sieve and pour the yogurt and salt mixture into it.
Close the cheesecloth. For more pressure, you can tie it with a rubber band, string, or clip. Refrigerate the bowl, sieve, and cheesecloth overnight to allow the whey to drain.
The next day, all the whey will be in the bowl. You can use it:
* To replace milk in your brioche recipes
* To marinate meat
* In a smoothie
You can pour it into an ice cube tray and freeze it for later.And inside the cheesecloth, you'll find your cream cheese! Magic!
Now it's time to spread and enjoy! :D
* You can customize the recipe by adding spices or herbs to the cream cheese.
* From 4 yogurts (about 500 gr), you'll get approximately 160 gr of Philadelphia-style cream cheese.
* You can use Greek yogurt, but keep in mind it will release much less whey, which may affect the final texture.
Photos of members who cooked this recipe
I think this recipe is awesome! Thanks for sharing!
That is not cream cheese!!! Cream cheese requires whole milk, heavy cream, buttermilk culture (not buttermilk!), calcium chloride, rennet (for cheese making), and cheese salt. The ingredients must be heated to a certain temperature to produce curds, which then need to be drained.
What you made is drained yogurt, also known as Greek yogurt. If you drain it further, you end up with Labneh which is a much thicker yogurt that has the texture of a very soft cream cheese. It is NOT real cream cheese!
Love it and the easy steps in the process. Thank you very much!