Sandwich dhokla - layered dhokla

Sandwich Dhokla - Layered Dhokla
4 servings
20 min

Sandwich Dhokla is a much loved Gujarati snack. It is a steamed snack with white, green and red layer. This is very good snack for party and picnic.



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Preparation5 min
Cook time15 min
  • Add the eno salt and salt to the batter and mix very well. Divide the batter in three equal parts. Add garlic chutney and red color in one part for red layer and mix it well.
  • Add green chutney and green color in second part for green layer and mix it well. Heat water in a steamer and grease the dhokla plates.
  • Pour white batter into plates till 1/2 inch of plate. Keep the stand in the steamer, cover with the lid and steam till half done.
  • Take the stand out and remove the dhokla plates. Spread green batter evenly on the white dhoklas and steam till half done.
  • Pour the red batter over green layer spreads evenly. And cook for 10 minutes on high flame or till an inserted knife come out clean.
  • Note:
    For Coriander chutney : Blend coriander leaves, green chili, ginger, salt, sugar and lemon juice
    Garlic chutney: Blend garlic, red chili powder, jaggery, salt with some water
    If you don't add color the appearance of sandwich dhokla will be light and less colorful.


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