Spaghetti rolls

Crispy rolls made with spaghetti,potato and mild spices
Preparation10 min
Cook time15 min
- Roughly chop the boiled spaghetti( OR noodles) and peel and mash the boiled potatoes.
Take a bowl and add mashed potatoes, chopped spaghetti, 2 tbsp bread crumbs and mix
Now add tomato ketchup,and all the ingredients and mix well.
Take a bowl add milk and corn flour and mix well.
Make long rolls from the potato and spaghetti mixture .
Dip them in cornflour slury and then roll them into dried bread crumbs .
Deep fry in hot oil till crisp and golden.
Drain on a tissue paper and serve hot
Serving suggestions-best with tomato ketchup or mayo dip
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Add a pinch of red chilli powder, 1 chopped green chilly, a pinch of Chat Masala in the final mix, for a spicy & tasty snax with Hot Tea at evening time.