Brinjal curry ( vankai kora, vankaya kura)
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Preparation17 min
Cook time25 min
- Slice the brinjals into small pieces.
- Chop the coriander , ginger and chillies and grind to make a fine paste.
- Take 2 table spoons of oil and heat on low flame. Add the brinjal pieces when the oil is hot.
- Add salt and ½ cup of milk and keep this on a low flame till the brinjal pieces are cooked.
- To avoid using too much oil in food, one can do the following.
- Cover the pan with a lid and and add water on top of the lid. The food gets steam cooked inside the pan, thereby requiring very little amount of oil.
- Add one tea spoon of red chilli powder and cook for another 5 minutes.
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