Gratin dauphinois, the real traditional french potato gratin recipe
Today, we offer you the recipe for the most famous potato gratin on the planet: gratin dauphinois. And be careful, here we don't joke with tradition, so this is the real recipe that we share with you, the one directly passed down by our grandmother from her French cookbook (and yes, Petitchef is a French chef!). The best accompaniment for your meats and fish but also a dish that we will enjoy eating as is :-)
Peel the potatoes, then finely slice them.
Boil the milk with salt, pepper and nutmeg. Then add the potato slices (without washing them before), and cook them for about 10 minutes.
Strain the potatoes, then put them in a buttered gratin dish.
Pour the liquid cream over the potatoes, then add a few slices of butter on top of it.
Bake 45 minutes at 360°F (180°C). There you are, bon appétit !
Which potato variety should I use for a gratin dauphinois?
Depending on the desired result, you can't use just any potato. We recommend using waxy potatoes!
How do I cut my potatoes for a gratin dauphinois?
If you have a mandolin, don't hesitate to use it to slice the potatoes. It will allow you to have very thin and even slices and achieve an irresistible recipe!
Should I rinse my potatoes under water before making my gratin?
Once you've cut your potatoes into thin strips, do not rinse them under running water. This could remove the starch, which is essential for your gratin dauphinois to hold its shape.
How to make a lighter gratin dauphinois?
For a lighter gratin recipe, don't use cream but instead use the milk left over from cooking the potatoes (step 2).
Should you add cheese to gratin dauphinois?
Let's be clear right away: no, there is no cheese in the traditional gratin dauphinois recipe. However, if you want an even more gratin-like effect, sprinkle grated cheese on top of your potatoes. This will give you a gratin that's crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.
What is the best cream for making gratin dauphinois?
Full-fat "crème fraîche" will hold up better during cooking but, more importantly, will ensure more tender potatoes. But as mentioned above, a low-fat cream can also be used if you want to make your recipe lighter.
Why does gratin dauphinois release water?
There are several reasons for this. If you wash your potato slices before adding them to your gratin, they'll likely release water during cooking. Cooking your potatoes in milk before placing them in your dish will also prevent your gratin dish from releasing water during cooking. Finally, if you added milk to your gratin, the water in this ingredient may have difficulty evaporating quickly during cooking, leaving a moist base.
How can I flavor my gratin dauphinois?
To spice up your recipe, rub the sides of your dish with garlic or shallots. Then, flavor your béchamel sauce to your liking: nutmeg, cumin, curry, paprika: it's up to you!
What should I do if I have leftover potatoes?
You can mash them or cut them into chunks and bake them in the oven for about 20 minutes at 360°F/180°C. Alternatively, combine them with other vegetables in a new gratin! Why not try sweet potatoes for a colorful version, or cauliflower? Our secret trick for getting the whole family to eat vegetables ;-) To add flavor, add garlic, cream, and a hint of nutmeg to your dish, and you'll have the perfect zero-waste gratin recipe!
What to eat with gratin dauphinois?
Gratin dauphinois pairs perfectly with:
Meats: roast beef, filet mignon, duck breast, leg of lamb.
Fish: roast salmon, cod, seared scallops.
Vegetables: green salad, green beans, pan-fried mushrooms.
Can we make individual portions?
Yes, you can make the exact same recipe but insted of putting the preparation in a gratin dish, put it in muffin tins for example. Don't forget to adjust the cooking time.