Nestle Toll House Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Got Smaller!

My husband thinks I complain about too much, but really folks, how much is an ordinary citizen supposed to accept without complaint? I think I tolerate quite a bit actually, but there has to be a line drawn in the sand SOMEWHERE.
Remember the great Tollhouse Cookie Dough debacle of June 2009 where E.coli was discovered? If not, here’s a snippet from the FDA website:
“On June 19, 2009, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warned consumers not to eat any varieties of prepackaged Nestlé Toll House refrigerated cookie dough due to risk of contamination with E. coli O157:H7 (a bacterium that causes foodborne illness).
FDA had found E. coli in a sample of the cookie dough, following reports that people had become sick after eating the product. Although DNA tests showed that the type of E. coli found in the sample was not the same type of E. coli found in the people who became ill, FDA?s and CDC?s advice remains the same: consumers should not eat the recalled Nestlé Toll House refrigerated cookie dough.
However, after a plant shutdown, an investigation, and a cleanup, Nestlé is now using main ingredients from new suppliers and is making the cookie dough again. These newly made products are not part of the ongoing recall and are not associated with any illness outbreaks or known contamination. Consumers can identify the newly made products by looking for labels with shields that say ?new batch? on them; these batches are not part of the current recall.”
Lo and behold, we, the consumer ARE PAYING FOR THEIR MESS!! The old tubs of cookie dough were 40 ounces, the “new batch” tubs are 36 ounces. At first I didn’t realize this but I DID notice that I wasn’t getting as many cookies out of the tub as I thought I used to get. It’s a good thing I had kept an old tub to put junk in so I could compare them. This is more than a little irritating, don’t you think? I have a good mind to stop buying it altogether, especially since the tub is even MORE EXPENSIVE than it used to be, albeit smaller!! The cost at our local Walmart is about $5.50 per 36 ounce tub (I’m pretty sure that’s nearly a dollar more than the larger tub was). I compared the ingredients listed on both tubs and I don’t see a difference (with my aged eyes!), but I don’t think they bake up as nice as they used to, nor taste as yummy. What’s even weirder is when I purchased the cookie dough in the tube instead of the tub, it baked up totally different and the consistency wasn’t even the same. If I had to make a completely uneducated guess, I’d say that the cookie dough I’ve tried has air pumped into it to make it even CHEAPER for them to make!
What is a disgruntled consumer to do??