Ka-ree puff (chicken curry puffs thai style)

Filling :
Pastry :
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Preparation15 min
Cook time25 min
- Pastry :
Sift the flour in a bowl with the salt and break up the butter into small pinches and add it to the butter. - Using your hand rup the butter into the flour so that you have a crumb like mixture.
- Add the coconut milk and mix it in with the flour until you have a firm dough.
- Turn the dough out onto a work surface and knead it for 8-10 minutes until you have a pliable ball of dough.
Cover the dough with cling film and refrigerate it for at least 30 minutes but preferably overnight before using. - Filling :
Place the oil in a large saucepan over a moderate heat.
Add the garlic, fresh coriander, ginger, spring onion, pepper, ground coriander, turmeric and cumin to the oil and cook it for a couple of minutes until the mixture is aromatic. - Stir in the carrot and potato coating them in the spices and cook for a couple of minutes.
Add the lemon juice, fish sauce, chili, sugar and a couple of tablespoons of water. - Leave them to cook for 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally until the carrot and potato is tender,
add the peas, return it to the heat for a further 5 minutes. - The liquid should be evaporated and the vegetables should be cooked.
Remove the mixture from the heat and allow to cool. - Curry Puffs :
Rolls the pastry out so that it is 2-3 mm thick. Cut out 8 cm. rounds with a biscuit cutter.
Place a small spoonful of the curry mix in the centre of each round. - Moisten the sides of the pastry with water and fold it over, so that you seal in the filling.
Mark the edges with a fork and set them aside until ready to cook. - To Cook :
Heat the oil in a deep fryer, wok or saucepan to 180 - 190 C. Cook a few of the curry puffs at a time until golden brown (around 2 minutes). - Remove the curry puffs and drain them on kitchen paper and repeat the process, until you have cooked them all.