Smoked Salmon Pasta
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It`s been awhile since we last posted some home cooked dish, we still cook everyday but rarely do we take photos..ooppss..guess not..just posted beef-tofu burger the other day... Oh well, we have some smoked salmon.. really nice for sandwich and for makizushi.. But as I was reading my Before Your Pregnancy book by Amy Ogle and Liza Mazzullo, I learned and I quote.. " FDA advises women who could become pregnant to avoid refrigerated smoked seafood due to the risk of Listeria bacterial contamination, unless you`re planning to incorporate them into a cooked dish". So instead of eating the smoked salmon as is, I cooked them and made pasta.. Hubby prepared freshly squeeze orange juice to pair with it..We had it last night, even though we wanted to use heavy cream or cream cheese for the sauce we can`t, for we have no stock, hubby even went out to 7-eleven to buy one.. and, yes they dont have one either.. so we use whats available in the pantry..still yummy.. will try to cook creamy smoked salmon pasta next time..when we have some cream! Anyway.. Our Kitchen...Our Rules..

Ingredients: Pasta, smoked salmon, tomatoes, fresh basil, white wine, salt and pepper and some fresh parsley.

Cravings of the Newlyweds
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