Almond cherry financiers - sheer heaven in a cake

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4 servings
Very Easy
45 min
454 Kcal


Estimated cost: 2.6 (0.65€/serving)

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Almond financiers


Preparation20 min
Cook time25 min
  • Preheat fan oven to 230deg C. Brown the butter to a nut brown.
  • Sift the dry ingredients together and mix in the egg whites and vanilla. Used an electric hand held mixer.
  • Add the hot butter, mixing in quickly. Pour as quickly as you can into your moulds and then pop in your sweet cherry, with stalk attached.
  • Cook in the oven for 5 mins, then turn down the heat to 200deg C. Cook for a further 4 mins. Turn the oven off and leave for 4 mins more before removing from the oven.


for 1 serving / for 100 g
Calories: 454Kcal
  • Carbo: 33.2g
  • Total fat: 30.7g
  • Saturated fat: 14g
  • Proteins: 8.8g
  • Fibers: 2.6g
  • Sugar: 27g
  • ProPoints: 12
  • SmartPoints: 20
Nutritional information for 1 serving (99g)


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