Baked potatoes coated with bacon

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Side dish
20 servings
Very Easy
45 min

Here is a simple and effective accompaniment! Baked potatoes, so far, everyone loves it! But if you perfume them with thyme/ rosemary and wrap them with a slice of bacon, it’s a good bet that this recipe will become an essential part of your Sunday lunch meal ;-) Try the experiment by following the detailed steps of our recipe here and then give us your opinion in comment!



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Preparation5 min
Cook time40 min


How do I store these potatoes?

You can place them in an airtight box and store them for 2 days in the refrigerator.

What to serve with these potatoes?

They will be perfect to accompany your meat and fish pieces!

Can I put olive oil in this recipe?

Olive oil will be useless here because the smoked breast will give off enough grease during baking.

Can I add salt to this recipe?

We advise you not to do so. Indeed, the smoked breast is already quite salty. However, wait until you taste it to find out if it is necessary to sprinkle a little over your cooked potatoes.




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