Cake recipes - page 46
1130 recipes

First Birthday Cake for Ruben
This is the first "1st Birthday" cake I've made, and sold today. I desperately undercharged after I thought about my ingredients and the time I put into the cake, but that's alright. I knew the customer and it was great practice with the fondant. Now I kn

3 tiered chocolate cake with chocolate mousse filling and buttercream frosting.
This is the cake that I made for a special friend. His girlfriend's parents were celebrating their 30th wedding anniversary ! I was so happy when he asked me to make this cake. My first 3 tiered cake...for a big event! I even found th

Disney Princess Theme Based Birthday Cake-My 100Th POST
Princess Cake/Theme Based Birthday Cake made @ Home A princess birthday cake is the perfect Gift to your little girl's Royal Birthday Party. Thrill any little girl with this cake...She wud really luv to have ths

Lemon and Saffron Cake
Today we had two reasons to celebrate. It s my son s birthday but it was also his graduation from the University. Although the lemon cake was made for my husband ten days ago, I didn t have the time to prepare the post for the new cake, which is a Van

Heavenly Bakers: Pumpkin Cake
I am very excited to announce that I have joined the baking group Heavenly Cake Bakers . We are going to be baking through Rose Levy Beranbaum's new book Rose's Heavenly Cakes. As an avid baker I knew that there was a serious gap in my baking library sin

Serious Rum Cake
As you probably read on my previous post I've been on a book buying frenzy for the last almost two months because most of the major bookstores here in Manila were recently having their sale consecutively. One of my most recent purchase was Shirley Corri

Easy Cocoa Snack Cake Recipe
If you are like me then you probably get cravings for chocolate cake at random odd moments and don't have time to do anything about it - or don't want to commit any large portion of your chocolate stash to a large cake that when there isn't a special occa

Simply Pure Carrot Cake and POM Winners
Happy Monday! I hope you had a great weekend and enjoyed the extended vacation if you took part in Independence Day. Before we begin with what I coin as a Killer Carrot cake with cream cheese icing I want to announce the two winners of the POM Giveawa

Celebration Cake with Chocolate Covered Strawberries
An early Father s Day, a birthday, a day to celebrate family and friends, what other great reasons do we need to eat cake?! As with most cakes, this cake was fun to make and fairly easy to assemble. This Strawberry Celebration Cake is two 10 round d

Usually, when I hear the word "coffee cake" I think of a sweet treat that is at it's best right out of the oven and it usually needs either a cup of coffee, tea or glass of milk to wash it down. Well, dear friends, this coffee cake IS the exception to tha

Vegetable Upside-Down Cake
Nothing too exotic, nothing very strange (although I often seek out just those qualities). This is my sort of comfort food. After all, there's nothing comforting about being weighed down by your food. Nothing comforting about feeling your stomach fill

Mini Rolo Tarts - Too Simple ?
Thank you to the girl I was chatting to in Lakeland the other week for this recipe.... I met you next to all the baking equipment as I looked for a pastry tamper. I'm sorry I couldn't stay - but when a toddler wants fed ... it's URGENT. For the rest o

Goan Bebinca Recipe
Bebinca is a classic traditional Goan Dessert! Bebinca is also known as bibic or bebinka. This sweet delicacy is made during all festive occasions in Goa. It s like a pudding which has 7 layers. It depends how many layers you want to make more Or less.

Mum Cupcakes for Mother's Day!
A few years ago when Hello, Cupcake! came out I picked up a copy and was seriously impressed at all of the amazing cupcake designs! I love that the book provides step by step instructions, including photos, and walks you through the process of using si

Mocha (chocolate coffee) torte
It is the CCD (Caked Crusader?s Da) and CCU?s (Caked Crusader?s Uncle) birthday; I have mentioned in the past they are twins...and they still are! Recently, the CCD has discovered a love of mocha coffee ? the sort that?s more like a dessert with cream

Recipe: Hungarian ?Csoroge? doughnut recipe
Well, when I started this blog, I wanted to include plenty of Hungarian or Eastern European recipes. Sadly it`s not happening much, first of all, I dont get around to cook them much, and seconds these recipes are so well known for me, I always forget they

Japanese Steamed Sweetcorn Bun(Mushipan)
Recently I was addicted to the " NEW " Mango and Matcha steamed cake from one of the well-known local bakery known as Fourleaves . I am not sure whether have you tired it but I love it's fragrant, soft and fluffy texture which I could eat either 2 or 3 d

SMS: Sweet Almond Cupcakes with Lemon Curd Filling
This week's SMS was chosen by Katie of Katiecakes : sweet almond cake with lemon curd and lemon mascarpone frosting - whew, that's a mouthful! It sounded great to me though so I was definitely game. Only problem? No need for a huge cake that only I

Guatemalan Quesadillas
Many Guatemalan and Mexican dishes share a name but are completely different. I have written about Guatemalan enchiladas and tostadas , now it?s time for Guatemalan quesadilla! Everyone is familiar with the Mexican version of a quesadilla; a corn or fl

Liege Belgian Waffles for my Baby Boy
When my son was in first grade, we used to spend time at lot of time at the Border's Book Store at our local shopping center. There was a quiet little man who had a cart stand, where he'd sell freshly made Belgian Waffles. He'd take a square of dough a

Sunday Special - Kube Mutli (Cockles/Clams In A Gravy With Mini Rice Dumplings)
It's not too often that I find fresh cockles or squid in the fish market that I go to. On my recent trip there, the 'mogorle' (fisherwoman) in her shrill voice excitedly told me that I must buy the fresh cockles that just arrived. Knowing that this partic

Maida Cake/Maida Burfi
Suddenly i had a sweet tooth yesterday and i was not in mood to prepare elaborate sweet or dessert. I was looking for simple sweet preparation, when i browsed for the recipe i ended up in Kailas Kitchen blog . Her vanilla maida cake impressed me, it

Sugar Flowers & A Secret...
I've got a you want to know what it is? Well I don't know if I can tell you just quite yet, but I will leave you with a few hints so you will have to check back at the end of the weekend when the secret is revealed! I've been working on a real

Cool Mint Oreo Brownie Cupcakes
I made these cupcakes for St. Patrick's Day yesterday. I also made a whole meal with green food. We had cabbage rolls , pasta with pesto sauce, salad with green veggies and green ranch dressing, green fruit salad, and a green drink. It's so fun to be