Cake recipes - page 47
1130 recipes

Pan Fried Sticky Rice Cake/Nian Gao
After the Chinese New Year, one of the festive goodies to enjoy is Fried Nian Gao. It is a round sticky brown cake made from glutinous rice and sugar. You can find them on display weeks before the Chinese New Year. It is auspicious to eat this cake during

Marillenstrudel | Austrian Apricot Strudel
This month, for the International Food Challenge, we are cooking from the Austrian cuisine. The regional cuisine we are exploring is from Lower Austria, which is the north eastern most state of Austria. Lower Austria cuisine is striking for the difference

Faluche Du Nord ~ French Bread
For this month's Home Baker's Challenge, Priya of Priya's Versatile Recipes has suggested some beautiful French Bake recipes. Out of them I chose to make this simple and easy bread Faluche. Faluche is a traditional pale white bread from the Northern re

Halwa Poori Choley
For those of you who have never heard of this combination, let me tell you this Pakistani breakfast meal is perfect. And it need not be just breakfast, because I had this today for breakfast, lunch and tea time snack...and I am not tired of it yet :) Nada

Bûche de Noël/Yule log
Its Christmas and I am with family in Allahabad. For days together, me and Vishal have been shopping for gifts in Kolkata trying to find suitable ones for each and everyone. The run down to Christmas has been so much fun. Very sadly, the only person not w

Rhubarb and Strawberry Sponge Puddings
Although my recent trip to Melbourne had been a short one, I had fun and it was nice seeing my sister and her family again (even though I had seen them over Christmas last year when they visited Singapore). I had a chance to see where they live, their hom

Sesame Street Cupcake and Dessert Tower
This weekend, our niece Ella turned two years old! In honor of her second birthday and her Sesame Street theme celebration, we made her a Sesame Street Cupcake and Dessert Tower. Nothing but the best for our niece's birthday party! We used our Round C

Victorian Sandwich with Pineapple Jam and Cream Cheese Icing
After much prodding, and a blackberry smartphone for a camera, this would be an official recipe post from yours truly. Yes, yes, I have bought a new laptop, but the missing link to blogging and food is my camera. So for the time being, my blackberry w

White HoneyComb Cake/Pak Tong Gou
"Pak Tong Gou" is basically White Sugar Cake in Cantonese. It is a popular and classic street food in Malaysia . It is a steamed white spongy cake that is springy and the texture resembles a honeycomb when sliced. This is one of the many simple joys of

Nian Gao Puff with yam and freshly grated coconut
I first tasted this nian gao puff at my first blogger meet during last Chinese New Year. They were from Tracie of Bitter Sweet Flavors and I fell in love with it. I am crazy over deep fried nian gao that were sandwiched with yam and sweet potatoes

Banh chuoi nuong... for banana lovers
Banh Chuoi Nuong is a Vietnamese style banana cake. Although the name means "baked banana cake", it is a bit different from the bready type banana cake. The unique, sort of sticky texture remained me of more like a pudding. The interesting ingredient in

Coconut Biscuit
Level: Easy Preparation time: 10 min Cooking time: 20 min Serves: 25 biscuits Eggless Coconut Cookies Ingredients All purpose flour/maida - 1 cup Unsalted butter - 1 stick Baking powder - 1/4 tsp Sugar - 1/2 cup Rava/Suj

Chocolate, Banana & Caramel Entremet
I feel like whenever I open up the "create post" page on blogger, I have to find new words for apologies. My life really hasn't been conducive to posting, and so it's just hard to find the time/money. Also, I live in a basement apartment now, with no natu

Vanilla Buttermilk Cupcakes with a Framboise Glaze
I wanted to make something really special for Todd and some of our friends to help celebrate Valentines Day. I thought about chocolates, but then I decided that I would make some delicious cupcakes instead. I was probably more than influenced by thi

Daring Bakers Challenge: Biscuit Joconde Imprime/Entremet
The January 2011 Daring Bakers? challenge was hosted by Astheroshe of the blog accro. She chose to challenge everyone to make a Biscuit Joconde Imprime to wrap around an Entremets dessert. My version is a vanilla sponge, filled with berries and a banan

Daring Bakers : Biscuit Joconde Imprime/Entremet
The January 2011 Daring Bakers? challenge was hosted by Astheroshe of the blog accro . She chose to challenge everyone to make a Biscuit Joconde Imprime to wrap around an Entremets dessert. Joconde imprime /entremets. A joconde imprime (F

T his time I knew I had to do the DB challenge not because it was a cake, but it was something which I had been planning to do this month,otherwise. Then when the DB challenge was announced, I was so thrilled that I almost bounced off the walls. I love tr

Holiday baking: meringues, divinity, Buche de Noel and gingerbread cupcakes
I have inherited Christmas decorations. Honestly, I'm not sure where some of them came from. I've got lots of gaudy plastic garlands, plenty of lights, red velvet bows, a gazillion ornaments and countless other things. Our front closet is filled with mult

My Best Thanksgiving Desserts?
As you can see (this picture was taken two Thanksgivings ago, at my house), desserts are a BIG deal at Thanksgiving in my family. Big. My mom usually makes about six (or more!) different pies. Yes, six. Two pumpkin, two pecan and most importantly, two but

Double maple, the last week of Halloween baking and 5 of 8 goals met
Okay. I admit it. I'm not a fan of Halloween. Well, not quite, but I don't go quite as all-out as everyone else does. I mean, I do on the baking end (obviously). But I didn't even go out for Halloween this weekend. I think it has something to do with how

HCB Chocolate Apricot Roll with Lacquer Glaze
Confessions of another "Curious Cook" about this weeks Heavenly Cake. Perhaps, I should title this post BBA - Baker with a Bad Attitude . I like to think of myself as positive and willing, even excited to try new things in the kitchen. It was with anx

Double-Boiled papaya Soup & Japanese Souffle Cheesecake
The other day, I was listening to 93.3 FM (one of the pop mandarin radio channel) from my MP3 player while I was jogging and the DJ was introducing this simple soup that she recommends to all ladies. I couldn't jot down the ingredients but I could remembe

Lontong Kikil (Beef Tendon Soup with Rice Cakes) Recipe
Lontong Kikil is a popular street food in East Java especially Surabaya and surrounding areas. My late dad loved beef tendon dish such as Gulai Tunjang (Beef Tendon Curry, a West Sumatran dish) and this lontong kikil. When I still lived in Indonesia, l

Otak-Otak Bakar (Indonesian Grilled Fish Cake) Recipe
We, the Asians love our fish or seafood cakes. Here is one of Indonesians' favourites, otak-otak. Three cities are famous for its otak-otak, Palembang, Jakarta and Makassar. Which sauce do you choose? The Palembang or Jakarta one. Cuko (spicy tamarind