Mediterranean wrap stuffed with hummus, arugula, peppers and feta

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Main Dish
2 servings
Very Easy
8 min

The Mediterranean wrap stuffed with hummus, arugula, peppers and feta is a delicious and versatile option for those looking for a light, tasty and nutritious meal. This combination of fresh and vibrant ingredients, inspired by the rich Mediterranean cuisine, conquers palates wherever it goes. Check out our step-by-step instructions below and enjoy!




  • frying pan
  • knife

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Preparation6 min
Cook time2 min
  • Mediterranean wrap stuffed with hummus, arugula, peppers and feta - Preparation step 1Heat the tortillas in the frying pan according to the instructions on the packet.
  • Mediterranean wrap stuffed with hummus, arugula, peppers and feta - Preparation step 2Then spread the hummus on the tortillas (leave the sides free).
  • Mediterranean wrap stuffed with hummus, arugula, peppers and feta - Preparation step 3Top with arugula, peppers and crumbled feta cheese. Season with a little salt and pepper. Finally, add the olive oil.
  • Mediterranean wrap stuffed with hummus, arugula, peppers and feta - Preparation step 4Roll it up and you're done.
  • Mediterranean wrap stuffed with hummus, arugula, peppers and feta - Preparation step 5If you prefer, cut them in half. Enjoy!


How to store the wraps?
We recommend eating them the same day, as the ingredients are still fresh. If you have leftovers, put them in an airtight container or wrap them in plastic wrap and store them in the fridge for up to 3 days.

Can I substitute the ingredients?
Of course! Here are some examples: swap hummus for cream cheese, peppers for tomatoes (they don't need to be marinated), arugula for lettuce and feta cheese for mozzarella.

How do I fold the wraps?
The simplest way is to roll them up. You can also start by folding in the two sides and then roll them up.




Refrigerator storage


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