Mango moong recipes
5 recipes
Moong sprouts salad
Starter Very Easy 20 min 30 min
Ingredients: 1 cup fresh moong sprouts 1/4 cup finely chopped cucumber 1/4 cup sweet pomegranate kernels 1/4 cup finely chopped/grated carrot 1/4 cup finely...
Whole moong patties
Main Dish Very Easy 25 min 20 min
Ingredients: 1 cup sprouted and boiled moong 1 onion finely chopped 1 tsp grated ginger- garlic 2 tbsp chopped mint leaves 1/2 tsp chilli powder 1/2 tsp...
Bean sprout roll
Starter Easy 20 min 20 min
Ingredients: Refined flour-1.5 cup corn flour-1/4 cup cooking oil-3 tbsp lemon juice-5 drops baking powder-1/4 tsp salt-1 tsp Stuffing- Bean(moong) sprouts-3...
Handvo (savory rice & lentil cake)
Main Dish Easy 10 hours 35 min
Ingredients: 1 cup rice (coarsely ground - similar to coarse semolina) 1 cup mixed lentils, coarsely ground (texture similar to the rice) {urad (ivory lentils),...
Stuffed tomatoes and potatoes salad
Starter Very Easy 20 min 5 min
Ingredients: 4 plum tomatoes, firm and round would be fine 2 medium potatoes For the filling: few teaspoons grated carrots few pods of fresh or frozen green...