Banana berry recipes
7 recipes

Berry nice cream: transform bananas into vegan ice cream!
Dessert Very Easy 10 min
Ingredients: 4 bananas 3.5 oz frozen berries

Pink banana custard and maqui berry cream tarts
Dessert Easy 40 min
Ingredients: Base : ½ cup sunflower seeds ½ cup coconut 2/3 cup chopped dried figs ½ tsp vanilla powder 1 tbs chia seeds Banana custard : 2 ripe bananas 2 tsp...

Super mocha berry smoothie
Other Very Easy 5 min
Ingredients: 1 scoop Chocolate Green Superfood (Amazing Grass) 1 teaspoon raw cacao nibs 1 teaspoon raw maca root powder 1 teaspoon raw carob powder 1/4 cup...

Fresh banana, pear and macadamia slice
Dessert Very Easy 10 min 40 min
Ingredients: 1 cup oats 3 tbs coconut flour 2 scoops pea protein powder 1/3 cup xylitol or coconut palm sugar (I used xylitol) 1 tsp baking powder 1 1/2 tsp...

Fruit salad with passion fruit and vanilla bean ice-cream
Dessert Very Easy 30 min
Ingredients: 3x 410gr tins fruit cocktail - this is what it is called here, but you are looking for canned fruit salad. 1x 410gr tin guava - cut up 4 passion...

Fresh fruit salad with custard apple fruit
Dessert Very Easy 10 min
Ingredients: 2 Custard Apple fruits 1 small to medium-sized banana 1 kiwi 4-6 small to medium-sized strawberries 1/4 cup blueberries 1 T raw cacao nibs 1 T...

Sugar free pudding & fruit trifle
Dessert Very Easy 15 min 25 min
Ingredients: 1/2 box Nilla Vanilla Wafers 1 Jell-o Sugar Free/ Fat Free Vanilla Instant Pudding (42g package) 1 Jell-o Sugar Free/Fat Free Chocolate Instant...